Dec 25, 2023

Your car whisks you through errands, adventures, and the daily grind, and to keep doing that effectively, it needs regular upkeep. Your car battery is an essential element that needs your attention. Knowing the following red flags can save you frustration and a roadside call because you’ll be able to proactively get a new car battery from your Cadillac dealer.

Sluggish Starts

Car technician putting car cables on car battery.

Instead of the usual prompt engine cranking, you might be encountering hesitant or sluggish attempts, requiring multiple tries or extended cranking times. This sluggishness is due to the battery’s reduced ability to deliver the necessary surge of power required to start the engine.

Dimmed Lights and Electronics

Pay attention to the brightness of your headlights, interior lights, and dashboard instruments. A weak battery can manifest as dimmed or flickering lights, particularly at idle when the alternator isn’t providing additional power. This dimming effect is caused by the battery struggling to maintain the required voltage for proper electrical operation.

Sluggish Accessories

Power windows taking an eternity to roll down, slow-moving locks, or sluggish seat adjustments can also point toward a battery issue. These accessories rely on a consistent electrical supply, and a weakening battery can’t adequately support their smooth operation. While seemingly minor, these inconveniences can be early indicators of a more significant battery failure.

Visible Battery Woes

Peek under the hood at the battery itself. Look for signs of corrosion around the terminals, which can impede proper electrical flow. Cracks or swelling in the battery case are also red flags, indicating internal damage due to age or extreme temperatures.

Extreme Temperature Sensitivity

Both hot and cold weather can stress your car battery. During cold weather, a weak battery loses its cranking power more readily, leading to difficulty starting the engine. Conversely, hot weather can accelerate fluid evaporation in the battery, potentially leading to premature failure. If your car seems temperamental after experiencing temperature extremes, consider that the battery might be on its last legs.

Dashboard Warning Light

Your Cadillac has battery warning lights on the dashboard. While other factors can sometimes trigger this light, its illumination should prompt you to get your battery checked. Early detection and replacement can prevent the inconvenience and potential damage that could happen to other electrical components if the battery fully fails.

Age Matters

Even without noticeable signs, car batteries have a limited lifespan, typically lasting around five years depending on usage and climate. If your battery is nearing its expiration date, proactive replacement is wise to avoid unexpected breakdowns.
Watch out for all these indicators and act promptly when you see them. Give us a call at Earnhardt Chandler Cadillac right away for help.