Nov 25, 2023

Headlights are a crucial part of your car’s safety features, allowing you to see the road at night and making your vehicle visible to others. Like any part of your car, headlights can wear out over time. Let’s go through some signs that you might need new headlights from the Cadillac dealership.

Dimming Headlights

Over time, the bulbs of your headlights can dim, providing less light when you turn them on. This dimming can be gradual, making it hard to notice at first. As soon as you realize your nighttime visibility is reduced, it’s a sign that they are losing their power, and you should have them replaced.

Flickering, Inconsistent Light

If your headlights flicker or sometimes switch between brighter and dimmer light for no apparent reason, it’s a sign that something is not right. This might be a sign of electrical issues in your vehicle, or your bulbs might be performing erratically just before they burn out. Flickering headlights are a distraction and a hazard, so you should get them taken care of before they can fail completely.

Burned-Out Bulbs

When one or both bulbs burn out, it’s obvious that you need some new ones. Driving with one or both headlights out is not only dangerous but also illegal, so if a bulb burns out it’s important to replace it as soon as possible.

Cracks or Damage to the Headlight

Inspect your headlight for any physical damage like cracks or chips in the housing. Damage to the headlight can not only affect the quality of light provided but can also lead to moisture entering the headlight assembly, potentially causing bulb failure or electrical problems.

Uneven or Erratic Light

If one headlight is significantly dimmer than the other, or if your headlights seem to be lighting unevenly, it could mean that one bulb is weaker than the other. It might also be a sign your headlights need to be adjusted, or that there’s a problem with the headlight assembly.

Cloudy, Yellow Headlights

The plastic lenses covering your headlights can become yellowish or cloudy over time from the oxidizing effect of UV rays or harsh weather. This discoloration can significantly reduce the effectiveness of your headlights. Cleaning them may help a little, but if the damage is bad enough, the smarter move is to replace your headlights.

Visit the Cadillac Dealership for New Headlights

If you notice any of these issues, it’s advisable to head to the dealership. We can provide a thorough inspection of your headlights and replace them if necessary, using only the best genuine Cadillac parts.

Regular checks can help you spot signs of trouble early, ensuring you’re always driving with effective lighting. To have your headlights inspected, visit Earnhardt Chandler Cadillac today.